Monday, August 1, 2011

Media Monday

On Mondays, I will be sharing a bit of media-Bible verse, song, television show, movie, cartoon, news article, blog post, anything media-ish that has inspired, convicted, or encouraged me.

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

My Garden! The inspiration for this post comes from my friend, this homesteading blog, a new friend, and Amish fiction.

I'm finally getting around to sharing pictures of my little container garden. We rent here (hopefully we'll be buying a house in about 10 months), and we have this great back "deck" (read sliver giver) that just begs for a container garden. I had it all planned out, and then I got lazy and bored waiting for the last freeze and changed my mind about gardening this year. But we made some new friends at the kids' VBS this year and they gave us some of their plants so I had NO choice but to garden.
I had planned on a 5 gallon bucket for each plant, but then while I was at the store looking around, I saw 18 gallon totes for just about the same price! You can beat 3x the container for the same price. So I got a couple, some soil, and had my husband drills some holes for me.

In this first bucket, we have one strawberry plant. I know that strawberries come back and send off shoots, so I figured one would be good and we'd just be careful with this bucket for next summer too. I also stuck some honeydew seeds in it, not expecting them to grow at all, and they did (3 of 4)! I'm sure I'll have to pull them or move the, but it was fun seeing that they would come up.

This one has tomatoes in each corner, plus a green bean, yellow bean, and purple bean in the middle. This one needs to be split up I'm sure.

This one has two tomatillos, a row of peas at the top, a row of scallions in the middle, and a row of carrots at the bottom. I think this one probably needs to be split up some too.

And our last little bucket has 2 cucmbers.

Linking with the Monday Link-up at Joy Filled Living and the Homestead Barn Hop #22.


  1. love your container gardening! how are the tomatillos going? I want to grow them here in FL. Did you start them by seed or buy them?? Have you grown them before?

  2. Wow, my container garden is a flop. First time to do this. Normally have boxed/raised bed garden. Happy yours did so well!!! Virginia

  3. I have never successfully grown anything before (tried tomatoes and hot peppers one year, but I majorly neglected them and they died). I have NO idea if the tomatillos were seeds or plants, my new friend gave them to us. When they came over a few weeks ago they said ours were doing better than theirs though! I think it might be the soil. I bought potting soil and it has so much of that white speckly stuff in it.


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